AS4ODFL (PAC) Challenges and possibilities of applied activity-based and integrated assessment

The challenges one faces through online learning are

  • device is expensive
  • network issues
  • weekly and monthly data bundles may be expensive for low income earners
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there are few challenges that i have been faced or experienced of the applied activity-based and integrated assessment , thus handling of the equipment and using of the information technology need to well versed to our context

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The challenges are mostly similar in all countries. Teachers are not properly trained however are learning and getting used to IT. The major challenge is the school not having computers etc. Students do not have access to gadget that will help with IT learning.


All responses are equally valid in each context . I also do think that challenges will stem from not being able to obtain and secure resources in certain contexts such as in the islands. An example would be the use of specific chemicals for experiments in laboratories. However, that being said, there are possibilities of creating or improving project materials in subjects like physics, mathematics and other visual mechanical projects or experiments in other subjects. Activities that involve hands on student involvement will definitely improve learning. I teach in a semi government institution, and sometimes resources are not plentiful so I have to improvise. It helps in certain situations, but sometimes I have to support the lesson with a lot of activities so it gives the student a better background in that particular topic.

Many Pacific island countries are underdeveloped and lack funds, this is one of the major challenges of implementing activity based work’s in schools is that school’s can not afford to buy required products that can aid in this activities. Secondly many are not aware of how to use technology and therefore it will be time consuming to teach students.

So interesting! Improvisation can be difficult, but it can also lead to very creative teaching and learning.


Thinking about what small productive steps that my school can take at this moment:

  1. start the drafting of an ICT use for assessment policy and ICT use and care policy for the school-I believe we have the capacity for that.
  2. encourage the teachers at this school to take free online courses that COL is offering so that the teacher’s themselves can appreciate the need to know how to use the FOSS tool and more importantly the need that Online education will solve the social injustice of not able to access classes because of many social economic issues and such pandemic as covid-19. I believe teachers in my school should all enroll in such courses because the internet access for teachers here is free (school provided) the course is free to enroll but very rewarding.

Maybe later you can again offer this course again.

In our school and country as with many others internet capacity and equipment availability are major hurdles. During the recent lockdown we had our normal lessons uploaded on Box and we sent links to the parents who requested online work. We had less that 15% of the cohort request this. By far the majority collected paper based work each week to be completed at home. We also had zoom sessions available for each class but had less than 6 students join for each class. Should access to technology improve our teachers and students will all need upskilling to work with these ‘new’ tools.

Even though, we are in the computer age, we still feel the impacts of technology toward teaching and learning system. As experienced, the implementation of online teaching and learning during the pandemic created challenges that need to be addressed for better learning outcomes. Here are some challenges we encountered during our remote teaching practice:
-Lack of ICT skills and knowledge to create suitable learning materials, activity-based and assessments for students
-Lack of communication between teachers and students
-lack of reliable access to the internet for using online platforms like moodle, google classroom
-inadequate technical support for teachers using online assessment tools,
-lack of cooperation and commitment amongst departments
-The use of inappropriate apps to provide support, feedback, and report on individual’s performance and progress while doing online activity-based and integrated assessment.

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The major challenges or issues in our institution are:

  • not all students have a laptop to access Moodle

  • few students lived in remote areas where network is unavailable

  • Parents cannot afford to buy data for their kids to go online.

From where I come from Moodle is only used in the university and as a teacher it is a new challenge to upload notes for students at the same time student face difficulties in actually going about on Moodle. Few months passed then things starts to get familiar. That is how learning proceeds. Students learn at the same time teachers learn new things too.
The younger generation these days are very good with the technology so it makes learning fast.

Some possible challenge that do applied to activity-based and integrated assessment. First is having daily access to internet and ICT tools, this could be seen as a major challenges that do applied to traditional assessment because it do requires students communication with one another. Living in the 21st century it is a priority to have much information on ICT, so one another challenge having information to access information online because the internet have plenty of information so we need to guide students which information is suitable to used and which is not when doing activities.

The Challenges and possibilities of applied activity based and integrated in my own context was student cannot assess in doing online learning process because of lack of resources such as computer, tablet and some other resources which are related to technology learning.

I am totally agreed from everyone’s point of views regarding the current challenges that they have in their own context in relation to use an integrated-based activity using online. In Kiribati, introducing online as part of an integrated activity-based is also a great challenge. The challenges range on three aspects such as:

  1. Infrastructure - this involved the internet connectivity to outer-islands especially to all schools located in the outer-islands. That is the schools should be equipped well with a safe and reliable internet connections. To ensure that internet connections is reachable and working in the outer-islands (including remote areas) electricity and fuel power with solar power is to be installed in every school. Classrooms in terms of computer labs should also be established or schools should have a well equipped classroom with ICT tools for teaching and learning. This is one of the challenges to implement an integrated activity-based learning if it will involve online or distance learning.

  2. Human Resources - Teachers are the key implementer of an online teaching and learning. Not all teachers have the skills to use ICT tools to implement distance learning or blended learning. Training of the teachers in distance learning and how to customize the assessment of learning, for learning and as learning in a modern technology or to introduce a 21st Modern society skills using technologies. At the same time, students are the recipients of the learning, therefore the provisions and ICT resources should be adequately available and supplied to meet the learning needs of every student in all schools.

  3. Institutional readiness - Currently, the Education in ICT Master Plan has been established as one of the Policy documents of the Kiribati Government but the problem is the need to finance the plan to implement. This is hold up the plan to fully activate its activities or projects.

Right?!, but than subjects like ICT can be a tricky one to improvise with in the islands. If we talk about recreating similar looking basic parts with local materials, it is possible but can be a bit daunting if we were to actually go more into details on how the parts relate to specific programming’s.

True, maybe schools could also work with the networks like Digicel , B-mobile or telecom to provide free data for Moodle specifically. It can be a contract between the school and those companies to help students in their specific countries. A similar system that USP organizes for their students…

We experienced similar issues , I think It would be great if teachers have workshops or trainings on how to use specific platforms like Moodle or google classroom, would be much helpful if teachers have brief skills and knowledge before they teach students to use them.

From my end, the challenges is surreal where majority of the student do not even access the notes given in their google classroom platform. And most student to have answers as to why they are not accessing the notes due to no devices. So it is really difficult to get them on boat with the assessment.

The challenge i may face in my School is with the materials and equipment used.
not every student have an Electronic device(eg. computer, desktop, smartphone), students don’t have access to internet that is very slow too.
there’s no laboratory for practical activities.

Seems we all are facing similar situations - inaccessibility to devices and/or connectivity. Also competency level of staff. We could, however, use expertise of trained staff through professional development sessions, to upgrade ourselves and look for avenues to improvise wherever possible.

the challanges face here is

  1. not enough school computer /laptops
    2 . school did not produce enough teaching resource