Use of technology in education

Use of technology-
In my country many school are only Face to face but many teachers try to incorporate the use of technology where they can. Some use Google classroom, use of smart boards in class, teams platforms, emails and WhatsApp to share information that would supplement what is being taught in the class. Some students still do not have a device or connection at their homes, so print copies would be given out. Some students who can not access videos seem to be at a disadvantage.
If all students had connectivity and a device then it could be a blended learning.
Advantages to teacher-
Flexible learning allows additional resources to be shared, assessment can be easily uploaded and feedback given instantly to be useful to students, google forms can be created to auto correct and give a record of performance of students, it is also transparent platform and teachers are increasing their technological expertise and professional development
Advantages to students-
Engaging students with different strategies to include all types of learners, gives students 21st century skills, time management skills, problem solving skills, group work, develop good communication skills, it holds students accountable and provide more resources in different formats which can be student friendly.

Tony Bates discusses various ways in which technology is used to deploy education: online learning, blended learning, flipped learning, hybrid learning, flexible learning, and ODL.

Blended learning offers several advantages to trainees, including:

  1. Flexibility: Blended learning allows trainees to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.
    2.Personalization: Blended learning allows trainees to customize their learning experience to their individual needs and learning styles.
    3.Interactivity: Blended learning offers a variety of interactive learning activities
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Blended learning can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training, as it reduces the need for physical classroom space and travel expenses.
    5.Improved collaboration and communication: Blended learning can improve collaboration and communication among trainees and instructors.

Good question Ephraim. You can be taking online roll calls…

In my institution we use blended learning (combining face-to-face and online). Its advantage is that it is flexible, more inclusive, more learner centered and high level of learner to learner and teacher to learn interaction.

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Advantages for teachers:

  1. Time-saving in content creation.
  2. Access to a wealth of educational resources for improved instruction.

Advantages for students:

  1. Enhanced access to information for learning.
  2. Personalized and timely support for academic queries.

Using technology for Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) in education can provide several advantages to both teachers and students. Here are two key advantages for each group:

Advantages for Teachers:

  1. Efficient Data Management: Technology allows teachers to collect, organize, and analyze data related to student performance and assessment results more efficiently. This helps in identifying areas for improvement and tailoring instructional strategies to meet individual student needs.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Technology facilitates collaboration among teachers and IQA teams. They can easily share assessment tools, best practices, and resources, leading to improved assessment and teaching methods. Collaborative platforms can also enable remote teamwork, which is particularly useful in open and distance education.

Advantages for Students:

  1. Timely Feedback: Technology enables the quick and timely delivery of feedback to students. Online grading and assessment tools can provide instant feedback on assignments and exams, allowing students to understand their progress and make necessary improvements.
  2. Personalized Learning: Technology can support personalized learning by tracking individual student performance and adapting instructional materials accordingly. Students can access customized learning resources, practice materials, and recommendations based on their strengths and weaknesses, promoting a more tailored educational experience.

Incorporating technology into IQA processes not only streamlines assessment and evaluation but also enhances the teaching and learning experience, making it more effective and student-centered.

At my institution we primarily use online and blended learning. These are beneficial to adult learners who find it more convenient to study online and it is much cheaper than trying to utilise they hybrid approach.

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The one which is close to what we use in my institution is blended learning.
This is advantageous to the teacher in that he/she can be able to teach many students at ago.
The advantage to the learner is that the learner can study at their own pace and at their convenience and at the comfort.

@Villiamemateicolo. that was quite elaborate. Great!

online learning, blended learning, hybrid learning, flexible learning
Advantages to the learner

  1. Convenient
    2.Cost effective
    Advantages to the Trainer
  2. A more relaxed approach
  3. Lessens the Trainer engagement

Bates’ key message is that deciding on a teaching approach, laying out a plan, choosing appropriate technologies, developing and/or choosing learning resources, and ensuring the necessary support and infrastructure requires significant time and must be considered part of your teaching workload.

What tools can we use for this?

  1. The closest way in which technology is used in my context is blended or hybrid model

  2. Two advantages of using this model:
    a) It allows the learners to learn from home or away from a college environment as they work or do other things.
    b) it allows for students to ask teachers on aspects that may be unclear during times that they meet face-to-face in classes.

The model we use is blended learning and ODL.
The advantages to the teacher include flexibility and reaches out to many students at once.
The advantages to the student is also flexibility in terms of time and place and also self paced.

Online Learning
This was piloted for the first time during COVID 19 pandemic.

The advantages that it had on the Student.

  1. Flexibility:
    The student is able to work engage in other activities such as work and still attend to school work

  2. Save Resources
    This can be considered on the fact that students will just need bundles which are not as costly as transportation and food costs which they need when they attend face to face classes.

Advantages to the Teacher
3. Real Application of Theory:
The Teacher can still continue to meet up with the demands of the curriculum in their own convenient space.

  1. Time Management
    Teachers save a lot of time and resources by managing our learning/teaching process online. Teachers get some extra time to examine each student individually.

well articulated. Thank you for sharing.

The closest model in my context is the blended learning.Face to face,modules and online ldarning is used.The advantage is that those who cant afford the online technology can still acessess educaatin through these other modes of lesson delivery.The online model allows students to learn away from school at their time and pace