CS4ODFL (PAC) - Module 1 Forum

Hi! I agree with your points. The use of computers and other technologies in the teaching and learning process makes the lessins much more interesting and easy for students to understand.


True networking system needs upgrading.

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In my humble opinion, computer - mediated communication breaks down geographical barriers to communication enabling collaboration through communication over distance. Also, it is to convenience to use and flexible.
I have applied learning activities in both synchronous and asynchronous through online platform via Zoom class sessions, class viber page and Facebook.


Using computer is essential for fast and effective mode of learning.

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Greetings Professor Deepak ( #@ekoroidimuri ) climbing tall trees and up hills to get network signals not only indicate engaging in creative learning on the part of the learners but also signals problems to the instructor, facilitators and technicians of the required tools. In return, something is or can be done. with places and culture of very little knowledge of internet connectivity related issues, because they are not as active and creative as the children noted by #@ekoroidimuri), no one can tell if they have a good or poor bandwidth, maybe this can be added to the consideration table?.

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Hi ekoroidimuri.
Yes, I do agree with you that the utilization of modern-technology really assists in making our work leisurelier. Hence, during the pandemic it was really depressing to witness few learners who were challenged in regards to internet connectivity and accessibility of gadgets to participate in class.

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Computer-mediated communications differs from face-to-face learning through the use of online digital platforms which inculcates various learners from distinct locations around the globe. According to (Bates, 2015), the development and use of internet with the constructivist approach towards learning has led to the development of Computer-mediated communication (CMC) as the constructivist approach in the online learning environment. CMC has enabled users including students, educators and teachers to collaborate effective using the online digital platforms. Thus, the unique of the CMC in relation to teacher’s perspective is the use of ICT tools and digital platforms for online learning which is a move from traditional blackboards, chalks, whiteboards to online lectures.
The use of group activities can be implemented in synchronous environment, for instance, the teacher can ask students to do a PowerPoint presentation on a visual mode. On the other hand, for asynchronous environment, the teacher needs to provide teaching materials online and discussion forums can be used by everyone to participate in forums for posting and responding to others discussions.
Strategies to maintain teaching presence throughout the course:
 Creativity of proper lesson plans to include cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
 Use of multimedia visuals to gain attention of students and to motivate them.
 Allowing students to collaborate effectively in group tasks.
 Enhance the 4C’s, communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration skills.
 Focusing on digital literacy and media literacy aspects, for instance, providing students guidelines for using online platforms for learning and sharing of information.
Bates, A. W. T. (2015). Teaching In A Digital Age. https://teachonline.ca/sites/default/files/pdfs/teaching-in-a-digital-age_2016.pdf


CS4ODFL Forum Discussion

What in your view makes computer-mediated communications unique from a teaching perspective, or is it just old wine in new bottles?

Computer mediated communications being an umbrella term is simply the various forms of communication which involves the usage of networked computers. Similarly, Bates (2015) stated that the emergence of both the Constructivist approach and the development of internet had led to the development of Computer mediated communications and collaborative learning. It is unique as it is the evidence of the shift from traditional classroom teaching to the 21st Century classroom teaching which allows teachers to reach out to a larger number of students despite being placed in different geographical locations having different time zones. Another aspect of computer-mediated communications is that it helps to cater for all student needs considering that each student has a different learning and understanding capability so through the usage of computers in daily lessons, teachers are able to incorporate visual aids to assist in their learning.

How would you implement the learning activities in both synchronous and asynchronous environments?

As a teacher, my goal is to make learning fun and interesting for the learners and to make that possible in a practical aspect, I would incorporate activities such as brainstorming, ask students to switch on their microphones and give the answer to the questions asked or even place fun games such as create a mnemonic device to help learn the first 20 elements of the periodic table in the correct order; which would assist their learning best suited in a synchronous environment. While, for an Asynchronous environment after having the class, I would place some questions as a forum discussion relevant to the topic being studied to help assess how much students have understood about the topic and how much more is required of me as a teacher to aid in their understanding of the concepts being studied.

What strategies will you use to maintain your teaching presence throughout the course?

  • Firstly, it is important that teachers plan their work well and pay close attention to the 3 domains of teaching and learning being the Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective domain in the learning objectives of the lesson being taught to students. Incorporate inspirational quotes, fun activities as well as do ensure to ask your students well-being before the commencement of classes to keep students engaged actively throughout the course.
  • Before starting off with the lesson, inform students that you acknowledge questions posed by students. Engage students in brain storming activities and problem solving activities that would help to boost their critical thinking skills. For example, first teach the students the basic aspects and then give them tough questions to gauge their understanding of the concept.
  • One of the other ways of maintaining my teaching presence would be to relate the concepts with relevant and local examples as that would allow students to reflect back and relate to all that is occurring around them in real life situations. For instance, while teaching the concept on ecosystems, show students the local examples that they can understand and most importantly remember for their reference purposes. For instance, the example of a coastal ecosystem is the mangrove swamp, desert ecosystem in Fiji can be seen at the Sigatoka Sand Dunes while the most simplest of ecosystem present at our very own homes is the garden.
  • If the lesson being conducted has a face to face approach, the teacher needs to be firm yet humble in nature so that students feel free to approach you to discuss and clarify their doubts or even confide in you. I feel this is important as teachers play an important role in the fulfilment of students Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.


Bates W A. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 16(4), 99.


[quote=“Dipshikamudaliar_22, post:49, topic:2984, full:true”]
I agree with your points Shivneet. The process of teaching and learning indeed holds a great importance especially when we’re looking at the teacher presence aspect as that is a key ingredient of having a successful and efficient lesson throughout the course being studied/ taught.


Indeed computer-mediated communications allows users to collaborative effectively. I agree with the implementation of brainstorming to get the attention of the learners and focusing on the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.


Indeed the use of online platforms such as google meet enables learners to engage effectively.

Hi Vishalni. I agree with your thoughts as computer based communication is rendered much flexible and effective for learning with the incorporation of visual aids to assist students understanding of concepts.


1. What in your view makes computer-mediated communications unique from a teaching perspective, or is it just old wine in new bottles?

  • students from different geographical location can still be reached out too.
  • Not all students can just read a paragraph and understand some they learn through visualizing, having computer mediated communications teachers can incorporate visual aids to assist in learning.
    I feel that even though that online learning reaches those with geographical barrier but Face to face learning is still much easier for me maybe because I find that online learning in order for my students to attend class they need to have the gadgets, connection and internet.

2. How would you implement the learning activities in both synchronous and asynchronous environments.
I have done activities both in synchronous and asynchronous when I go live I normally use zoom or google meet and if I do recording I use viber (voice recording) mostly for group work and most of the time I use Facebook live and just save it for my students who cannot make the time of the class sessions.

3. What strategies will you use to maintain your teaching presence throughout the course?

  • students are to be inform about the objectives and the learning outcomes of the course.
  • try to know the students better (background),
  • have activities that would be fun but same time be formative. (students learn in a fun way)

This is so true teachers can have all the gadgets to participate in class but to have no connectivity from the learners is quiet frustrating. Especially those living in the interior where their is no network.

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This is true I am a Science teacher and explaining diagram from the textbook is often challenging so I always incorporate visual aid during my class and seen that the students understand more when they visualize it.

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Good going #CS4ODFL ers. I’m so excited to see the ongoing conversations. :man_dancing: :man_dancing:

Let me jump in for a moment - a supplementary question if you may: Has anyone experienced teaching or learning via radio? What do you think about radio as a tool for education? Would it be helpful in your context? Does it have deeper penetration than the internet? Is it still relevant in today’s digital society?


Hi @DeepakPrasad

Just popped in to see how #CS4ODL is going. Wow! It’s amazing to see this level of online activity from educators in the Pacific.

Excellent question - radio has been an important technology in distance education. I remember recording radio broadcasts when working at Unisa (University of South Africa) in the early 1990s and it was a powerful medium to help connect learners and teachers.

In today’s digital world, thinking out loud - I’m wondering about the potential of podcasts. They could be broadcast via radio, but at the same time would be accessible for asynchronous delivery on the web. Lots of opportunities for teachers to record audio lessons!

Thanks for your work in developing this great course!


Hi madam, very well said and I agree the computer mediated communications is unique in both Constructivist approach and the development of internet for students with different learning and understanding capability in this modern era.


Hi bro, l total agree with the strategies to maintain teaching presence through cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains with 4 C’s communication will assist the online platforms

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Thank you madam for sharing that valuable piece of information with me as that would surely help me once I go for my practicum. I’m also grateful that through this educational platform, I am able to connect with many other teachers and learn something from them.

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