LIDA101 Choosing a research topic

Hi @AlenaBuis

I look forward to reading what you discover. I have a keen interest in this topic.

In a post-COVID world, I think that higher education needs to adopt more sustainable practices.

Hi @lemonwood

I think this is a good topic for further research. My first encounter with the concept of ‘discovery learning’ goes back to the work of Jerome Bruner who focused on this topic in the early 1960s.

My only suggestion, for the purposes of LiDA, is to narrow down the scope of focus. For example, Does discovery learning as a pedagogical approach contribute to meaningful learning in vocational education? (Which is still pretty broad :wink: - but you will know what I mean.)

My research topic and research question are as stated below:



*What are the principles of land governance
*What are the principles for influencing efficient land tenure system in Lagos, Nigeria
*How can governance impact on the land tenure system

Justification of the research topic:

Land tenure system poses a critical challenge for both the citizen and government of Lagos because efficient land governance for land tenure system is needed to create a digitized land system to enhance the followings:

  • The need for information for land management
  • Security of land transaction
  • Ease of acquisition of land title
  • Accumulation of disparate data highly fragmented and low in integrity & cannot be electronically processed.

All feedback is welcome
Choosing a research topic

Sounds like a meaningful area of investigation to me - curious to learn what you find out.

The research on the Topic:** LAND TENURE SYSTEM AND GOVERNANCE IN LAGOS, NIGERIA: WAY FORWARD is on-going. I hope to share the outcome of the study with you and the OERu community.

Thank you

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I would like to look at micro credentials. What impact are micro credentials having in New Zealand?

I am curious to look at work-based learning, but also whether inroads are being made in the tertiary education sector. Are badges being recognised and valued by learners, employers and academics?
An initial search suggests that is a relatively hot topic and should provide an interesting topic to analyse.


Hi @fionabelle99

I think that is a worthwhile topic and I’d be very interested to read what you find out (if you are willing to share your research outputs publicly.)

Of interest, the Commonwealth of Learning recently hosted an online workshop on Micro-Credentials where Don Presant provided a comprehensive summary of the micro-credential landscape. A good starting point for your research.



Thanks @mackiwg that workshop looks like a great jumping off point.

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@mackiwg having looked at quite a few articles, and spending a few hours down various rabbit-holes I am now more interested in the potential for micro-credentials to disrupt traditional learning pathways, and look at issues of equity and inclusion. It feels connected to the potential for digital literacy to contribute to engaged democracy and digital citizenship. Mark Brown led the way…


Agreed, the power of OER enabled micro-credentials to contribute to a better society (‘digital’ democracy and ‘digital’ citizenship) is huge. This is definitely an angle worth exploring.

A passing though, while micro-credentials could potentially disrupt traditional learning pathways, another way of thinking about this is the power of a parallel learning universe where micro-credentials augment and add value to the traditional model ;-).

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At work I am part of a group that is researching the topic, ‘The effects of COVID-19 lockdown on teachers’ use of technology for learning and teaching’.

Although this is an already established project, I feel that continuing to search for literature around this topic is important as this is a new and obviously evolving subject, and more could be published about this daily. LiDA is giving me a good excuse to spend more time and effort researching a topic that I am very interested in.

My research topic is: Teaching students with Dyslexia, especially Dysgraphia

Why?: My son was diagnosed with dysgraphia late last year, he was 14 and about to start NCEA exams. He has always struggled with writing (letters back to front, words stuck together) and with being diagnosed, he now can get assistance with the exams, the main benefit now is that he can use a laptop to sit them.

Justification: I’m teaching L3 students Automotive Engineering. I have found some students with numeracy/ literacy difficulties and I believe some students have slipped through without being diagnosed. By assisting theses students, I’ll be giving them a better chance to learn and reach their full potential, just like my son.


#LIDA101 My draft research question is this. “Can Moodle, an online learning management system be used in the education sector in Papua New Guinea universities?”
I chose this topic since this is a new trend in education that is being introduced to our country. Research needs to be done on this questions due to the low digital literacy level of the country and to be in par with the technological world.

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The effective use of digital skills and digital literacy will only be possible if it starts from top to bottom. It has to start with civil servants. Higher education institutions have implemented eLearning, however, the government officials who approve the budget don’t see the need to buy tablets for public schools, therefore, tablets are compulsory in private schools and education continues despite covid. This is an entirely different matter when it comes to government schools.

There is no effective teaching taking place due to the number of learners in the classroom:, they only go to school every second day thus missing out on learning. If the use of tablets were approved in schools, learners would still receive effective education.

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Digital Literacy for Secondary School Educators

Why did you choose this topic?
I was a secondary school teacher for 12 years, I still have friends teaching in this field. Teachers still use textbooks to prepare lessons, they are unaware of OERs, some teachers don’t even have personal computers hence, aspects such as the community of practice, use of OERs etc are foreign concepts.
In this era where COVID-19 is paramount amongst us, teachers really need digital training to optimise available resources.

All aspects of life require digital skills. It must start with the educators to provide learning resources to learners, upskilling teachers will encourage all other sectors to invest in digital skills training.

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Greetings #LIDA101 I have arrived here as part of the analytical essay portion of the course.

  1. My draft research question is :
    What are the benefits and challenges of using OERs in the South African context?

  2. I chose this topic because it is a subject I am currently working closely to and because learning more about OERs in my specific context will help me perform my job better.

  3. I believe this is a good research topic as there are a number of academic papers on the benefits and challenges of using OERs however there is a need to apply this research to the specifically South African situation.

#LIDA101 #analyticessay #OERS4SA

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Research question:
How to improve Indonesian digital ethics?

Why I chose this topic:
According to a survey in 2021, Indonesia’s digital literacy index score increased from 3.46 in 2020 to 3.49 in 2021. It is improving but still low compare to other country digital literacy index. The digital ethics score has weaken. Why this happen? And how do we improve it?