Common or different curricula

I don’t think there is a need for another regulator body. Since ODFEL is run under the umbrella of NBTE. What will be required is a training like this for NBTE personnel so that they can enlarge their capacity to handle it.

Open schools should not offer different curriculum , What is taught face to face should be taught online . The only difference is the mode of training and not the content. In online the Moodle is mainly used as a medium.

Yes, open schools should offer different programs of study from conventional face-to-face schools. Open schools cater to diverse learners, including working adults and those with unique needs. Offering a variety of flexible programs, such as online courses and self-paced learning, allows for personalized education, increasing accessibility and accommodating individual learning styles.

Yes, open schools can and often should offer different programs of study compared to conventional face-to-face schools. There are several compelling reasons for this:

  1. Flexibility for Diverse Learners: Open schools are designed to provide flexibility in education. Learners who may have diverse needs, such as working adults, individuals with disabilities, or those in remote areas, benefit from programs tailored to their unique circumstances. This flexibility can include self-paced learning, alternative schedules, and personalized pathways.
  2. Addressing Specific Needs: Open schools can specialize in addressing specific educational needs or gaps that may not be adequately covered in traditional schools. This can include adult education, vocational training, GED programs, and other non-traditional educational tracks.
  3. Alternative Approaches to Learning: Open schools can experiment with innovative teaching and learning methods that might not be feasible in traditional settings. They can adopt technology, project-based learning, experiential learning, and other approaches that cater to different learning styles.
  4. Reaching Underserved Populations: Open schools often play a vital role in reaching underserved populations, such as those in remote areas, economically disadvantaged communities, or those who face barriers to access. Offering different programs enables them to bridge educational gaps.
  5. Embracing Lifelong Learning: Open schools are well-suited to supporting lifelong learning by providing a variety of programs and courses that allow individuals to continuously update their skills and knowledge throughout their lives.
  6. Supporting Non-Traditional Educational Goals: Some learners may have non-traditional educational goals, like pursuing artistic careers, entrepreneurship, or specific vocational paths. Open schools can provide programs that align with these goals.
  7. Tailoring to Local Needs: Open schools can tailor their programs to the specific needs and demands of their local communities, offering courses and training that are directly relevant to the job market and local industries.
  8. Innovating in Response to Change: Open schools can be more agile in adapting to changing educational and societal needs. They can quickly develop and offer programs that address emerging trends and issues.
  9. Cost-Effective Alternatives: Open schools can sometimes provide cost-effective alternatives to traditional education. By offering different programs, they can cater to learners who want high-quality education without the high costs associated with conventional schools.
  10. Expanding Access to Higher Education: Open schools can provide pathways to higher education for individuals who may not have been able to access or afford a traditional college or university education.

In conclusion, open schools should offer different programs of study to meet the diverse needs of learners and to address the evolving landscape of education. By doing so, they can play a vital role in providing accessible, relevant, and flexible educational opportunities for a wide range of individuals.

I dont think schools should have a different curriculum for online courses
I however think that online approaches should be used to deliver the curriculum. If we use a Task analsyis chat, we find that whether you study online, onjob or in class you will have to achieve the same tasks to be paid. Therefore, the only difference could be using the different UDL principles to achieve the learning outcomes.

Open schools should offer the same programmes as those offered under the conventional face-face in schools. This standardizes the qualifications and enhances the access of training through different modes. The only thing is to have parity among the different modes. With the coming of different technologies it becoming possible to have hybrid and blended learning that is making it possible even for practical biased learning like TEVET.

You have brought out convincing reasons but l still feel the cost and flexibility of open learning increases accessibility to training and mitigates for learners who may not manage to physically be present during the training. The critical aspect in open learning is quality assurance.

I think open schools should offer different programmes of study from conventional face-to-face schools. This is because some practical learning may require students to be physically in a laboratory or workshop. As such, i feel the distance learning would be more effective for students that do not require practice such a s business studies.

well articulated. Thank you for sharing.

Open schools should not offer different programmes of study from conventional face to face schools because the exams given are just the same

Open schools can offer same courses as conventional face to face schools,what is just need is a well laid out student support plan that would aid teaching epecially where pratia lessns are involved.

You are right,it is posible with right and also accessble technology