LIDA103 General forum for open education, copyright and open licensing

Dr. Wayne
I think open education is the need of the hour, as now a days we all are passing through a period of crisis and knowledge about copyright and open licensing is must for all. i suggest that these topics should be included in the basic curriculum of secondary schools.


I have completed 2 blog posts, I think I tagged them correctly, but how do I find other peopleā€™s blog posts to read their responses?

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Hi @CathiS

Good question.

Yes, you have registered and tagged your blog posts correctly. They have been successfully harvested and published in the course feed.

The easiest way to find blog posts from other learners who have registered their personal blogs with the course site is to scan the course feed. (You can identify the source of the mentions in the feed by the footnote - so look for the blog footnotes. For more info see the Anatomy of the course feed.) Click on the ā€œMore LiDA103 Notesā€ button at the bottom of the feed page for previous mentions.

I anticipate that there will be more current blog posts when the cohort instance of LiDA103 starts on 6 May 2020. However, you are most welcome to ā€œwork aheadā€ with your studies.

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Hi Sir
I am not getting the page to publish my feed and complete my assignment

Dear @Farah_diba

Thanks for your query. Assigning your personal blog feed so that posts are harvested for the feed page on the course site involves a couple of steps.

I assume you have already set up your personal blog site already? If not, here is more information on setting up your learning journal blog.

You will find detailed instructions here on the support site.

In summary, you should:

  1. Log in to the courses site at:
  2. Check that you are enrolled (The words ā€œEnrolledā€ should appear after your username)
  3. Click on the ā€œAdd your blog feed for scanningā€ link and follow the instructions on screen.
  4. Make sure that each blog post is tagged or labelled with the ā€œLida103ā€ tag - this is needed for the scanner to identify posts for the Lida103 course.

Good luck!

hello, as copyright act or law differs from country to country, I am looking forward to know what common aspects of copyright are applicable to all.
I would like to know more about the copyrights of the films which are made as an academic requirement and not for commercial purpose.

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Hi @anuradha

In a globally connected and digital world copyright can be tricky. We provide information on how copyright works globally - but as a general rule your national copyright act will specify the copyright provisions in your country. For example, the duration of copyright for film may be shorter than printed works in your country.

Consult your copyright act.

Hello, I am just getting started with LiDA103 and tried to register on the OERu Bookmarks page. The anti-spam question is ā€˜what is the code we seek?ā€™ maybe I am being really dumb but I have no idea! Can anyone help?

Hi @robynbraham

Apology for the inconvenience - the code is published on this page in the learning materials. Its a little hidden to avoid individuals who like to advertise the sale of Ugg boots and other products.

Hi @mackiwg thank you! I found it when I got to that section of Session 0 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you, the guidelines are very helpful. I am finding my way into digital world slowly.

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Thank you @mackiwg. You are great with your students.

Open Learning is an effort to globally reach all those who need education, without discriminations.

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Enjoying. Tweet became Toot

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ā€¦and tooting is much better for your health :wink: .

Mastodon is open source - its not controlled by a proprietary company and as a community we have control over monitoring whatā€™s posted. For example, we do not allow advertising. Moreover, as a federated technology anyone with technical skills could host their own instance with the ability to communicate with all the distributed Mastodon communities.

Enjoy your tooting!

Open question for LiDA103 learners: How many badges have your earned at Log in and take a look here:

Its interesting to see my toot being annotatedā€¦

Hi @uma

Good to see you experimenting with the forums site!

For clarification, what you did was to ā€œquoteā€ an extract from a post on - this is useful when you want to reply to a specific point someone raised in a long forum post.

Toots are posted over on the social media site :wink: .

Dear MOOC administrators,

Will we have more than two weeks to finish all five sessions? Itā€™s a bit challenging for me to keep up with the coursework on schedule, because Iā€™m also grappling with the realities of teaching onlineā€¦

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Dear @Gunther

As an open course, our materials will remain open and accessible for all.

Take your time and work at your own pace as local commitments allow. These are demanding times for all teachers and educators.

Thank you for your active engagement so far, and I hope you will find some time in the coming months to complete your LiDA103 journey.

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