Learning activity 2: Education policy in your context

Yes. I have an educational policy as an example:
Sexual Harassment and other forms of gender -based violence prohibition policy.
Key policy makers: the key policy maker here is Yaba College of Technology
Objectives of the policy:

  1. To create equal learning opportunities for students of Yaba Tech in an atmosphere devoid of sexual harassment and gender-based violence.

  2. To promote ethical standards of education and respect for human dignity in Yaba Tech. and effectively prohibit SH-GBV against and by college community members

  3. To ensure effective mechanism for redress of complaints of sexual harassment of students and staff in all Yaba Tech. educational institutions

  4. To create awareness among the College community on SH-GBV

  5. To set out clear guidelines for handling SH-GBV
    Note: SH-GBV means sexual harassment gender based violence

Aspect of the policy that is not clear: student consent not a defence.