Guided online formative and summative assessment for students

Putting yourself in your students’ shoes or from your own experience as an online learner, what would you do to maintain your students’ focus (amidst their busy schedules) so they do not get lost in the midst of information overload or waste their time? Having a dashboard or assessment tracker to monitor their online performance and guide them along would be interesting. Any bright ideas?

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I agree with you Emos that having an assessment tracker to keep the child prompted and on track is very important especially with studying online. Ongoing reminders constantly ensure that participants keep focusing until the end of task.

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Make sure you help the learners with a timetable, provide clear instructions or informations and few questions reable due to the topic and monitor the learners after each questions or activities had been summited.

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Organize the work by making a study timetable which is realistic and easy to follow. Set subject targets and compare with achieved mark, Evaluate themselves and focus towards achieving the marks. Individual online marks to be easily generated using Moodle platform and provide strategies to improve results.

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For most of the online platforms for learning it is created in a very unique way that once a teacher is preparing the assessment, they can be able to attached marking criteria so that student can follow it as a guideline to help achieve each outcome of the assessment. So in both summative and formative ,Guideline must be given so that student will able to access notes, do assessment, do quiz and exam ,thus learning is achieved.

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Absolutely agree with your suggestion. Task tracker works perfect to help students keep track of their progress. Also it help students to keep in mind that they need to do the tasks before the due dates. A suggestion in addition to that is the use of a Viber community setup/created by the teacher for his/her class whereby students can post questions and queries.

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Thank you all for your feedback. Greatly appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face: @maliasio @4672 @williemaetee @S11097739 @12341

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To participate in forum discussion as giving questions after questions, it helps improves ones learning capacity.
Therfore, its been an honor to discuss this topic with you. Your most welcome…