AS4ODFL (PAC) Changes to assessment approach

Most definitely, after assessing the types of assessments given to the students, I would say that I have made a little shift from assessment of learning to assessment for learning by pursing key conceptual questions for students to answer. From their feedback, I can address the concepts they fail to acquire knowledge on.


During covid we were not able to get the accurate performance of the students. Yeas there were many other factors which hindered our assessment.

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We need to plan our assessment so that we assess our teaching as well.


We have ongoing assessments and at the end of the year an annual exam either internal or external and a project to be moderated. This has been the same for years. The project will weigh 40% and the external 60%. But it would be exciting if an online aspect could be incorporated to test skills so crucial in today’s world. But that would need infrastructure and major investments.

Same here in Napuka Cakaudrove. We want to reach students but not being able to is so frustrating!!!

Hello rajnap
Lorna Earl (2012) builds her pyramid beginning with As (self) at the bottom then For (formative) finishing with Of (summative). My point is you can have your own sequence. The traditional pyramid had Of at the bottom followed by For and finished with As :blush:

As i have mentioned earlier, I ve been more focused on assessment of and for learning, but for the past 2 years I’ve made little changes applying some hands on activities and discussions but the challenge was that most learners are shy and quite when comes to discussions especially girls.

In the last two years of the covid-19 pandemic since 2020 and 2021 have also impacted the teaching practices in through online learning . In fact, teachers had been switch from classroom teaching to e-learning by the implementation of Moodle platforms and student are getting to learn from online platform. And this transition allowed teachers to change and improve their methods of learning such as assessment. Moodle quizz, communicating with the students. Online learning has improved teachers in so many ways to adapt with the situation not only Covid-19 but can adapt to any situation that will happen in the future. It is one of the system that teachers are new to it and try to develop and implement new ways of learning that would not be different to face to face classroom.

maybe because of the resources. I think government should reach that situation.

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Agreed… students also need to have the devices to access resources online which are expensive.
That’s another consideration.

In regard to the question stated above. I have come with this type of assessment I name it, Project display visitation. This is much involve students and different classes, teachers, parents and others. I am so much devoted with the idea of creativity in my assessment. I come up with designing an assessment which involve much more creativity in the students project. I have my students split in groups and each groups consist of two or three. This is in my Geography class. I allow each group to select on different topics based on what we have covered in class for example volcano, water issue on South Tarawa, the negative impact of sea level rise to our islands etc. These students will create a small project based on their topics and the project must be a creativity one. Something that will really attract the attentions, this will also mention in my marking rubric which I provided to them before. After that, we will have our presentation but we are doing it differently. For example, we all stand with our groups outside and with our project we place them on the table in front of them.

Before the due date or presentation I allow all my students to pass our invitation letters to their, TV crew, parents, friends and classes and teachers in the school. These people presence will allow students to present their project presentation properly and correctly. In the process of visiting project, audience from classes walk around and visiting each group project and also I walk around and I assess my students on how they explain their project to those who visited them. I have realized that this assessment approach help students to help improve their learning in a long term memory. . Later on, each group can switch to the others project to explain.

It create a learning atmosphere and environment in the school. All the students including those who visit each project to learn about them. They are all enjoying the learning and most of all the learning of students is in a long term memory. This is because they explain several times after different people pay visit to learn about their project.

please visit this link ( Convectional rainfall- Nterei and Aonikarawa - YouTube) - My students Nterei and Aonikarawa, the pairs are currently in Geography class students in Saint Louis High School 2020-2021. The pairs got up their topic on convectional rainfall and they are basically explaining how convectional occurred and which islands in the Pacific normally experience this

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Very true Sir Bob this is the norm practice common for almost all teacher in Kiribati and children grow up in this kind of learning approach. It is indeed sad to learn that your kid you send to school get used to this kind of learning approach where little consideration of assessment.

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Assessment approach changes with development in terms of application of technology. The use of computer and internet resources helps to enhance assessment. Students can now have access to a wide range of ebooks and prepared Quizzes that help to supplement school resources. But, the school needs to ensure that there is consistent internet supply for teachers to make use of shared resources online.

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Changes in assessment can be theorised but teachers need to differentiate how these changes impact students learning. The ongoing gap that needs to be bridge between and among schools in the Pacific in terms of access to technologically useful mediums of instruction needs to be addressed. While we may peiceive change at the regional level some local schools are still lacking in terms of resources and trained teachers. Assessment as learning is very important component of providing a holistic approach to students’ learning journey.

In the past 2 years there have been challenging years for both teachers and students. Many teachers had been changed the learning strategies that suit and help students in progress in their learning. This is a huge challenge for teachers and students and I believed and experienced that teacher is no longer seen as source of knowledge but assistance to learning. For instance, for past 2 years is very challenging and as a students, I am very new in online learning through moodle and the end I manage to adapt in such types of learning.

I am sure my teaching changes along with how I plan assessment now compared to 15 years ago when our school was less resourceful. I used to write activities on blackboard but now I can just work on a computer to connect with all my students from our newly created school Moodle page. I am able to upload information, activities and initiate discussion online. Students with access to the internet participate while those without internet from home receive hard copy to submit. This change has helped to prepare students for university studies as well. I learn in the process of establishing change as education progress for my students in terms of assessments.

Yes, agree such resources is very important for students as we are experience the growing of technology in every institution, hence we need to introduce such resources to our schools and when students attend any institution they will be feel comfortable in handling and using computers.

I will say that I did not change my way of teaching so much from Assessment of learning. It is maybe because of my own laziness in thinking differently from the same way of teaching. However, with the few lessons dedicated to the Assessment as learning, I have noticed that students have actively involved and learnt a lot from each other. students also enjoyed the lesson when they interacted.

For the last two years, my teaching approach were in theory based.
I am teaching 40+ students at a time using school time table. Roll-call was taking 5-10 minutes out of the 45 minutes period.

Making students to be in groups so that that lesson delivery could be easier to crowded students

Focusing on learning outcomes for the day to be achieved, preparing new learning outcomes for the next day.

Assessment For Learning (AFL) could identify the performance of a student. If the majority of the class got passed, there would be no revision on the topic

My teaching approach changed:
After the Assessment For Learning (test), if the majority of the class passed, I could revise the topic for those who failed the AFL.

Supporting the failed ones could have their chances to focus on the upcoming lessons.

I totally agree with you